Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm engaged!

Louis proposed, and I said yes!! I'm engaged!!! Just wanted to say...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Louis and I have a new addition to our happy little family, a kitten we affectionately named Princess Samantha Snowpaw von Fluffykins. She is the cutest little kitten, but like any family pet, she is getting bigger and braver every day. Sammy, as we call now call her, has moved from being just a basement kitty to enjoying the evenings with us upstairs. We still don't trust Soze and her to be together during the day for a couple of reasons. 1) Sammy could figure out the doggy door at any time and be gone. At least when we are home, we can keep an eye out and see where she goes. 2) Even though Soze has never hurt Sammy, I don't trust her. Soze likes to "chase" Sammy and be near here every chance she gets. Sammy is learning to swat at Soze when she gets too close. I find it slightly amusing that this big Black Lab seems to be intimidated by this 2 pound kitten, but I figure they will learn to love each other. At least I hope this is the case. Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time is flying by. I wish I could catch my breath.

We've been in school now for six weeks, and I cannot seem to get in gear. I'm in my new school, full of new ideas, students, changes, requests, requirements, and the like, and I have to be honest when I say that it's harder than I thought it would be. I love the new school and the teachers I work with on a daily basis, even if they aren't like the ones I left behind, but this is definitely the toughest job I've ever had. The students are somewhat different, but the rigor and class requirements are keeping me on my toes. Thursdays have become my late nights at school, working to prepare for the next week. Saturdays and Sundays have become just two more days to prepare and grade papers. It seems I spend more time at home working on the weekends than I do during the day just trying to keep up. Don't get me wrong--I'm enjoying the job as well. I just keep telling myself that it will all get better with time. Once I've prepped this year, I can make changes accordingly next year, and time won't be such a factor anymore. On the plus side, I am loving the drive time change. Instead of taking me 30 minutes to get to and from work, now it takes me 5 minutes! I've given myself the gift of time. :)

That's all for now. I don't want to appear as if I'm complaining. I just want to get some loads off my shoulders. Some days this is what I feel like:

Monday, July 11, 2011

St. Louis Getaway

 For our first vacation together, Louis and I chose a simple and free/cheap trip to St. Louis. We chose things that we could do fun and just enjoy our time together. The zoo was first. One of my favorite things about the zoo is that it's FREE! We had to pay $3.00 to feed the stingrays, but other than that, it was free. Kansas City zoo--take note! My other favorite thing about the zoo is that I have an unlimited photography audience. The animals don't care that I'm taking their pictures, and so I go crazy! I think I took 15 pictures of the gorilla above just to get the perfect shot, but it's my second favorite from the day. (The first is below later on...)

 These tigers were just hanging out together in the shade and all of a sudden, this one puts his leg around around the other. Several of us gave a collective "Awwww..." when he did that. :)

 This turtle picture is my favorite from the day. Several ginormous turtles were gathered by the fence where we were standing, and this one took this opportunity to stick his head out and say hello. So I did the only natural thing I could do--I took his picture!

 After the zoo, we drove over to a Putt-Putt and batting cage place. I'd like to say I beat Louis in both sports, but sadly, the answer is no. I did beat him by a few strokes--maybe 3?--in Putt-Putt, but the batting cage got the best of me. Not only did Louis hit way more than I did, the balls actually tried to kill me!

 Don't laugh at my form here. I was too scared to get any closer to the base. I was too far at one point, and Louis gave me this great advice of stepping up to the plate. Apparently I stepped too close because the next ball hit me on my left knuckles and left a baseball size goose-egg on my hand. Ouch!

Our biggest expense for the weekend was the Cardinals' game, and our seats were WAY UP at the top--second row from the top to be exact. Our seats were great, though, and we had a blast! This was Louis's introduction to the best team in the country, and I know we will be back for more.

 The view from our seats.

 I love this picture and will probably end up framing this one! :)

 Pujols ran in for a homerun, and then in the next inning, he was hit and taken out of the game. It was unfortunate, but I love his spirit. He knows it's just a part of the game.

 Cardinals win and we enjoy the scenery. I may have this picture framed too! :)

Okay, I feel the need to explain these pictures. As part of Louis's souvenirs from the zoo, he picked some actual crickets and mealworms for snacks. Yes, you can eat these, and yes, we have. We only tried one mealworm each, and it just seemed to disintegrate in my mouth. Kind of dusty and no real texture (my biggest hangup on food), but I just had it in the back of my mind what it was. At least I can say I've eaten a worm now. Maybe one day we'll try a cricket, but for now, they are on display in our china cabinet.