Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy me

I don't know exactly how to say this, so I'm just going to get this out there. I'm in love! I know...I just wrote a blog entry on my new divorce, but the truth is, the divorce is just now final after many, many months of being single. I wasn't really looking, but I found someone who totally makes me happy, and I love how I feel about myself when I'm with him.

Okay, how did we meet? I decided in March to put myself out there in the crazy dating pool known as online dating. After signing up and talking to a few guys I'd never end up with, including a 57-year-old biker dressed as Santa and a full-time poker player who lives at home with his dad, Joon found me. He let me know he was interested and thought I was cute. I looked him up online and saw that he was a Korean doctor who liked to travel. I'd never dated a Korean before, and since this was my time to try new things, I thought why not. We began talking online, chatting back and forth, emailing each other, and we continued to do this for a couple of weeks. I learned that this man made me laugh so much that I just had to meet him! Our first official date was Wednesday, April 8th, and we've been together ever since.

I won't bore you with all the details of our dates and time together, but just know that we are totally serious about each other. I love that he calls me his babe, and we have so much more in common than I ever thought possible. After all, he grew up in South Korea and didn't speak English really until he was 19 or so when he came to America. I grew up in Arkansas and Missouri and was raised by a preacher. However, we love to laugh together, watch movies, listen to music, dance, and talk to each other. I think that is one of the most enduring qualities about Joon--we can talk to each other and tell each other anything. We have the best conversations about nothing! Our biggest differences? He cooks, I don't. I spend money, he doesn't. That balances out, right?

I'll close with some of our favorite pics:

*being goofy at his place before meeting some friends

*hanging out at my favorite downtown place--Ernie Biggs
*snuggling together at the bowling alley
Now that it's out, I can't wait to keep you updated with more news from my new love. Keep reading!


Hayley Fraser said...


April said...

I know! :)

Hayley Fraser said...

Are you bringing him home for Thanksgiving?

April said...

He's not coming with me for Thanksgiving, but he will be for Christmas. Maybe we can get together sometime while we are down.

Sarah said...

It is amazing sometimes when, and whom with fall in love with. My marriage had been over for about 3 months when I started talking to my boyfriend (who I had dated about 11 years ago) and we've been together eve since. We've been together for going on 7 years now. I am so glad you've been lucky enough to find someone that makes you happy, and you can talk to about anything!