Thursday, November 4, 2010

Go C-H-I-E-F-S!!

Some friends and I took advantage of the discount Chiefs tickets from our school district, and by advantage, I mean CHEAP! Our tickets were originally roughly $100 seats, and we paid $27!! Can’t beat that! We sat in the corner right off where the Chiefs run out of the tunnel. Even though our seats were great, Lindsay and Michelle and I spent most of our time patrolling for boys. :)

We all met up at Tim and Paul’s place to start our tailgate early. I can honestly say that I’ve never drank that early in the morning, but there’s a first time for everything I guess. Sonic made the tailgate that much easier by offering 99 cent slushies. Just add a little vodka, and we were good to go.

As we were having our own tailgate, Lindsay made some new friends (as always…) and asked them to take our picture. I’m sure they were thrilled.

Michelle, Paul, and Cathy couldn’t wait to get into the new and improved stadium.

Lindsay just had to jump in and be a part of the show—our school Principal and Assistant Superintendent grilled out for the district. They knew we had been having a “good time” before we ever arrived to this particular tailgate.

I have no idea how this picture turned out, but I like it. Smile

I figured since I was at the Chief’s game, I should take some pictures of the actual game. Here they are:

We are all going again this month, and I’m just hoping our seats are this good or even better. It won’t matter as long as we are having a blast together!

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