Soze and I are all moved in now. We have been back in my mom's house for 6 days, but it feels much longer. Not because of my mom but because of the dog!!! Since mom doesn't have a fenced-in yard, I have to let Soze out on the leash everytime we go outside. First of all, it took her until Tuesday to poop!!! She just isn't used to going on the leash, but I was hoping she would get the hang of it. I think she has now. She still doesn't go on a regular basis, but at least she will go every once and a while. It's just really COLD in the mornings and at night when I have to stand outside for 30 minutes trying to get the dog to go!!
On a different note, Todd and I moved out of our old house with the help of his parents. It took us about all day last Thursday through the snow and wind. We started out to KC around 5:30 pm and didn't get there until 11:30 pm!! It was snowing so hard and fast at one point, we couldn't tell if we were even driving on the highway or not. I'd hit the rumble bars every once and a while just to make sure I was still on the road. We were all in separate cars (4 of us), and I had Soze in the back seat of my car. We would all pull over to unfreeze our windshield wipers because we couldn't see out! Even on the clearer parts of the road up around Clinton, I was still driving slow because I could feel my car moving back and forth. Everyone else was loaded down with weight from furniture, boxes, miscellaneous stuff, etc. Not me!! Todd's mom passed me--I was going that slow!! I didn't care--I just wanted to get up to KC and get out of the weather!
Todd's coming home tonight and staying until Tuesday for his Dr.'s appointment. At least we can spend some time together this weekend. I guess we'll use this weekend as our Valentine's Day celebration. We usually don't do anything special other than go out to dinner, but that will be special for us since we don't see each other very often now.
Talk to you all soon!
Outta here
9 years ago
YEA!!! So glad you posted, even though I know it's more difficult. Ahhhh, the leash days. I remember those from when Trai and I lived in the apartment. They were horrible. Especially since we were trying to potty train him! Ugh!!!!! I feel for you girl. That stinks. I can't believe you all drove to KC that day. You are crazy girl! But I guess you weren't really left with much of a choice, huh? I'm glad to know you made it safely. I would have been worried sick about you that day had I known what you were up to. Enjoy your time with Todd this weekend. I would miss Trai soooo much! And remember, whenever you are ready for some dinner, let us know!
Next week definitely looks calmer. Todd is in town until Tuesday--how about Thursday? Are guys watching the new Survivor? Or Wednesday? Doesn't Big Brother begin next week? I could come for dinner and stay through the show! A dinner and a show!! How about that? Just let me know what works for you.
hey, let's shoot for next week for dinner if possible. the weather kind of messed up the entire week at our house! would any day next week work for you?
Any night but tonight works for me. Just let me know! Thanks for the offer!
Okay, let's just set a date for next week. I was going to ask you for Thursday this past week, but then the weather took a dive. :) How about this coming Thursday. Does that work for you?
Works for me!! I will have to go home and spend some time with the dog. What time are you thinking? 5:30? 6:00? Just let me know.
Probably around 6:00. We're just gonna grill some hamburgers. I hope that is okay. I was going to cook something homemade and delish, but we have burgers that need to be cooked. We can always have you over another time. :) And yes, we should all go bowling. Only problem is, Em would have to go to, we can't find a sitter still!
Do you want to do Wednesday night instead? We could do that or even tonight if you would rather. Just let me know.
tomorrow night would work! 6:00?? I can do that!
okay, sounds good! 6:00 p.m. it is!
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