Friday, October 30, 2009

Sugarland May 2009

I'm going back in time for a little while to share some of the more memorable moments of this past summer. While I didn't feel like I could blog about this stuff at the time, I most certainly am making up for it now! :)

Back last spring, I bought 2 tickets (not knowing who I'd be going with) to the Sugarland concert. They were coming to town on the very last day of school, and I thought that would be a perfect "school's out" treat for myself! Since I had met Joon, I knew I had to drag him along for the ride. Country is really not his type of music, but he loved this concert. He didn't like all the standing up we did for the entire show, but he enjoyed himself (I like to think it was because he was with me! :))
Matt Nathanson opened up as the first act, and he wowed the crowd with his voice. Man, can he sing! If you don't know who he is, he is the guy who sings "Come on Get Higher". It's on my song list at the bottom of the screen if you want to hear it. He sang a few songs, and Kristian Bush from Sugarland came out and played a little jam session with Matt. Since the concert, I've downloaded Matt's CD, "Some Mad Hope". It's a really good CD. My favorite song of his before listening to the CD was, of course, "Come on Get Higher", but now it's "Wedding Dress". What a beautiful great would that song be for a wedding dance? :) Hmmm...

After Matt's set was over, the "real" opening act began. Billy Currington came out and gave a great performance! I'd never really known this guy before except maybe a song or two on the radio, but he was good. His biggest hit was "People are Crazy", but he sang "Must be Doin' Something Right" and kicked it into high gear with "I Wanna Be a Hillbilly". Billy definitely earned my respect that night with these and a bunch of other songs. He seemed to be very comfortable on stage and talked to the crowd between each song.

Finally, the wait was over! Sugarland came out and rocked it!! They started with a ballad from behind the screen, then transitioned into "Settlin'". This was their introduction to the KC crowd of 10,000 or so screaming fans.

We all went nuts as they sang hit after hit. Jennifer and Kristian belted out "It Happens" (see the video below--just be sure to pause the song at the bottom of the screen before you push play on the video), "Want to", "Stay" (which the whole crowd, including me, belted out along side of her), "Joey", "Genevieve", "Everyday America" (they showed pics from all over KC that they had taken that afternoon), "Blood on Snow", "Who Says You Can't Go Home", etc. They played too many of their hits to name them all, but what a wonderful night of music, dancing, and singing right along with them. Even Joon found himself singing along at a few parts! :)

The most surprising events/songs of the night were:
*Jennifer broke into a Madonna medley during one song. She interrupted her own song to sing "Holiday", "Into the Groove" and (I think) "Best of my Love".
*Before the finale, both Jennifer and Kristian got into these blow-up bubbles and literally walked/rolled across the floor on top of the audience. That was fabulous!
*Perhaps one of the best moments came during the encore. The entire band, including Jennifer and Kristian, came out dressed as the B-52s and performed "Love Shack". It was so awesome!

This was a great experience to share with Joon. It's definitely a concert I'll never forget! Can't wait to see what Sugarland does next!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy me

I don't know exactly how to say this, so I'm just going to get this out there. I'm in love! I know...I just wrote a blog entry on my new divorce, but the truth is, the divorce is just now final after many, many months of being single. I wasn't really looking, but I found someone who totally makes me happy, and I love how I feel about myself when I'm with him.

Okay, how did we meet? I decided in March to put myself out there in the crazy dating pool known as online dating. After signing up and talking to a few guys I'd never end up with, including a 57-year-old biker dressed as Santa and a full-time poker player who lives at home with his dad, Joon found me. He let me know he was interested and thought I was cute. I looked him up online and saw that he was a Korean doctor who liked to travel. I'd never dated a Korean before, and since this was my time to try new things, I thought why not. We began talking online, chatting back and forth, emailing each other, and we continued to do this for a couple of weeks. I learned that this man made me laugh so much that I just had to meet him! Our first official date was Wednesday, April 8th, and we've been together ever since.

I won't bore you with all the details of our dates and time together, but just know that we are totally serious about each other. I love that he calls me his babe, and we have so much more in common than I ever thought possible. After all, he grew up in South Korea and didn't speak English really until he was 19 or so when he came to America. I grew up in Arkansas and Missouri and was raised by a preacher. However, we love to laugh together, watch movies, listen to music, dance, and talk to each other. I think that is one of the most enduring qualities about Joon--we can talk to each other and tell each other anything. We have the best conversations about nothing! Our biggest differences? He cooks, I don't. I spend money, he doesn't. That balances out, right?

I'll close with some of our favorite pics:

*being goofy at his place before meeting some friends

*hanging out at my favorite downtown place--Ernie Biggs
*snuggling together at the bowling alley
Now that it's out, I can't wait to keep you updated with more news from my new love. Keep reading!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Our divorce is FINALLY final. I feel as if this has been an ongoing saga in my life forever, even if it’s really been just shy of a year. Todd and I separated on November 12, 2008, I filed for divorce on January 4, 2009, and we went to court and walked out with divorce papers in hand on October 5, 2009.

When I first contemplated how I would write a blog entry regarding the details of my separation and eventual divorce, I thought I would lay it all out on the line. In fact, I even wrote up a draft entry to save for just the right moment to tell the world what really happened. Now, I don't feel the need to share ALL of that part of my life any longer. However, I do want to tell a part of the story my way.

I’m not sure Todd even reads my blog, but even if he does, I want him to know that for what it was worth, he was a part of my life. A part I don't regret but wish I had made different decisions along the way.

The following is from the original post I wanted to share back last year, dated November 16, 2008: "Where do I begin? I never, ever thought my life would turn out this way. I have friends who'd been divorced. I have family who'd been divorced. I have parents who'd been divorced.... 'Never would I marry a man who would do this to me.' I was smart in my choice. I know how to pick a decent man who would never, ever make me feel like I would be trapped in a marriage because I had no other way out. Guess what? God had other plans. He let me live almost ten years with Todd, through struggles of infertility, illness, school, jobs/no job, ups and downs, until we hit rock bottom. I thought Todd almost dying would have been our rock bottom. I mean, after all, he was out of work for a year while I worked as a high teacher to support us both. We did get support, too, from both of our families, for which we were eternally grateful. Yet none of that pain adds up to the pain I have felt over this past one week..."

That was many, many months ago. I honestly don't even recognize this writing because that is not who I am now. I can say this now without feeling embittered, but for the first few weeks (maybe months), I was angry. Angry at the world for letting my life turn out this way. Angry at Todd for ruining our future plans. Angry at myself for turning a blind eye for so long. But you know what? I’m no longer angry. In fact, I’m happier than I have been in a really, really long time. I feel like I can finally get back to my old self—one who’s not waiting around for something to happen or someone to come around the corner. Am I happy that it’s over? While I feel like our marriage was over a long time ago, it does feel like closure now. That’s the word—closure. No matter what was said, done, etc., now we can officially move on with our lives. I hope Todd has moved on with his, as I am ready to move on to the next stage of my life. Hence, I’ve made plans for myself:

· Continue to work out 3 days a week and lose 30 more pounds. (I’m down 38 from December of last year.)
· Get back to my cleaning schedule at home (every Saturday morning).
· Organize the storage room in the basement—get rid of excess in general.
· Decorate my house for Fall. I don’t really have much in the way of Halloween, but I’ve bought some really cute fall decorations at Kohl’s.
· Get back to blogging on a regular semi-basis, not the 1 blog every few months just so people know I’m still alive.
· Get back to SCRAPBOOKING!!!!! OMG—I haven’t done this for myself since Dad died back in November 2007. Wow—I’m so behind. I also want to do some major overhaul on my current scrapbooks now that the divorce is final. For some reason, I had a mini-meltdown Monday afternoon/evening after the court hearing. I suddenly noticed all of my scrapbooks sitting on the shelves in the living room and thought to myself, “Now what am I going to do with these?” The meltdown wasn’t because I was sad at losing a husband or my marriage, but it just reminded me that I spent my ENTIRE adulthood married to Todd, and every occasion is documented to the fullest in the pages of my albums. I pulled them all down, looked through each one page by page, and put a plan together. I’m going to redo them. Say what? I’m not redoing them from scratch, but I’ve decided that since I still have these memories from the last 10+ years Todd and I were together, I want to remember the events and family and conversations and emotions of these times when I look at my scrapbooks, NOT the idea that we are now divorced and it was all for naught.
· Live my life the way I choose and have a good time along the way.

That will be all for now. I do have more to share, but it will come at a later time.