Thursday, July 30, 2009

biting the big one

Okay, it's time for me to face facts. I haven't lost any more weight since school ended, and I was hoping to be down 10-15 more pounds before school started up again. Well, guess what? I go back next week, and nada--no weight loss, but more likely weight gain. I'm still going to the gym for my classes (yoga and pilates), but even I know that's not enough. I have to get back in the gym on a regular basis to really work out--treadmill, bike, weights, you name it. So after talking to a friend last night, I've decided that I need more motivation. That's why I just plunged head first spending $269 on a month of Nutrisystem. I figure a couple of things--$269 is actually less than what I spend right now on food each month, so I'm hoping to save some money in the long run. I also figure that since I'm living on my own, this will be a much easier way to control my eating habits on a daily basis. Will it be difficult to drive past McDonald's and NOT stop for my daily $1 diet coke? You betcha, but I know I have to do something to get back on the right track. I'll let you know how it's going once I've been on the plan for a while. Who knows? Maybe this is just the kick in the pants I need to finally finish what I've longed for.

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