I have no earthly idea how to get through to this woman. My mother crossed the line last night, and I literally don't know what to do about it. Screaming to her on the phone probably didn't help, but I was so upset over her actions that I couldn't think of anything else. I don't get angry very often, but I'd had it last night.
My mother has always been worried about me, that something bad will happen--getting kidnapped and raped/murdered, getting into a car accident and laying dead in a ditch somewhere along the road, etc. These are things she has NO control over. Mom usually calls me everyday, multiple times a day, and I don't know how to tell her to STOP. STOP. STOP. I've tried telling her, and it does no good.
Last night I went out with two friends for dinner and to see "Eat, Pray, Love." (Loved it by the way...) Apparently Mom called at 5 pm (eating dinner), then SIX--SIX--SIX MORE TIMES until she finally reached me in the theater restroom after the movie at 10:08 pm. She was completely over the top, worried, wondering where I was, etc. Mom even knew I was going to see a movie, but in her little world, the move would have been over by then. The kicker though????? She had left a message on my friend's cell phone, wondering where I was. How did she get my friend's cell phone number you ask? MOM CALLED MY EX-HUSBAND'S PARENTS AND GOT IT FROM THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! My EX-HUSBAND!?!?!?!?! I FREAKED out. I have NO IDEA what to do anymore. I REFUSE to call her every time I blink or take in a breath to let her know that I am still alive.
Somebody please help. Give me something. I love my mother dearly, as she probably really is my best friend, but this is NOT NORMAL. What can I do????
Outta here
9 years ago
well I personaly dont have that problem but my parents do worry about me alot to. Just give her a peace of mind let her know your ok call her every once and a while spend some quality time with her. Maybe even start carring pepper spray and let her know it so she doesnt worry as much. You could even think about bring your friends around her more so she knows what type of people your with. But honestly I believe some quality mother daugther time would be best. Check out my blog some time www.mythoughttoyou.blogspot.com i will contine to check in and read your blogs.
Thanks for the comment. I have talked to my mom, and hopefully she has gotten the message that I am a grown woman who lives hours away from her, and she cannot control my every little breath or move.
I do like your pepper spray idea. I may have to do that one as well.
I also checked out your blog and will be back for more. Your random thoughts are definitely intruiging!
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