Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer vacation is finally here!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since April, but the end of the school year usually wipes me out. Then summer school started with no days of space in between, and some other stuff came about, and now I can finally breathe again. So, here's a rundown of my life since April:

*School ended. Summer school began.
*Louis moved in with me.
*We became parents to fish.
*We traveled to St. Louis for a weekend getaway.
*Summer school ended and I had to pack 11 years of teaching and bring it all home.
*Louis and I became parents to a 2-month-old kitten. Soze has no idea she is even in the house.

That's about it. I want to blog about some specifics, so I'll do that next. It's hard to concentrate though when the pool is calling my name, along with the new kitty, bookshelves that need to be put together, and my need to just veg and sit in my chair.

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